
Enthusiastic Reviews Since 2013

We love our clients, and they love us and the work we do.

Checkmate has been instrumental in updating our online footprint...Ren was solution-focused and goal-oriented so her deliverable was spot on.
— Dr. Matt Hudson, Executive Dean of Technical Education, Ozarks Technical Community College, Checkmate Client

Happy Clients


For the expertise, the value, and the good customer service, Checkmate would my choice again above any other firm, and I would fully recommend their services to others.

— Dr. Matt hudson
executive dean of technical education
ozarks technical community college
springfield, mo

Checkmate Consulting gives us the focus and impact we need with social media. Checkmate requires us to articulate our marketing objectives monthly so as to be aligned in communicating with the public serve and hope to serve. We can count on Checkmate to provide us a steady presence on all platforms, and we wholeheartedly recommend them.

— jim mason
associate pastor of pastoral care
schweitzer church
springfield, mo

We sell an upscale product and Ren understands what goes into selling that product. She is great with graphics and our customers love the well-worded and placed ads on Facebook. I would recommend Ren to anyone; she’s always spot on, very reliable and her work is impeccable.

— marina backes
founder and owner
circle b ranch
seymour, mo

Checkmate Consulting helped us develop a social media brand and identity which was simple, yet attractive. They were quick to forward any contacts from our customers, vendors, suppliers or prospective employees so us that we could respond timely. Furthermore, Checkmate always responded timely to our questions or feedback, and they made a concentrated effort to try to understand our business.

— william bishop
founder and owner
bishop enterprises
nixa, mo


We opened our center in the Fall of 2015 and knew the importance of social media. We were unaware how difficult it could be managing social media! That is when Checkmate Consulting came to our rescue. This past year, our Facebook page has grown from 44 likes to 643 likes for a 1361% growth.  This has benefited our small center by helping brand our name in a new market and giving us credibility as we grow our business.

— claudia peterson
diet center cincinnati
cincinnati, ohio

Checkmate Consulting has given me hope through a difficult start-up and framed various goals I can zero in on for future achievements. One of those goals is a weekly #TipTuesday video that shares a real estate tips with my growing follower base on Facebook. From these weekly videos, I have acquired two clients! 

— justin helwig
helwig realty
springfield, mo

Our meeting with Ren Bishop Luebbering started by discussing our organization and the goals that we wanted to achieve. We appreciated that the information shared with us was personalized based on this information. It is clear while working with Ren that she is an expert in her field and knew just the right areas for us to focus. We left the meeting confident that we had a strategic plan that would help us reach our goals and excited to get started.

— julie kulan
executive team member
springfield toastmasters
springfield, mo

Ren is awesome. She was focused, on-task and always happy to take on a new project. I loved her work and direction she provided for my business.

— dr. bryan deloney
simply health owner
simply health wellness & weight loss
chesterfield, mo